The magic of design thinking
By Anureet Kaur, YUJ Designs
Every problem in this world is an opportunity in itself and the reason why individuals struggle to solve their problems is that 95% of them are thinking of solutions rather than thinking about the problem.
Design works on this same fundamental principle. If we focus less on the outcome and more on design thinking as an approach, that can result in a larger impact.
Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach with specific tools, methods, and mindset. Designers use it to create new values that are different and to create a positive impact. By practicing it correctly it leads to innovation.
For example — If I give you a piece of paper and tell you to cut it, the first thing which comes to your mind will be where are the scissors? If we sit back and think about the problem i.e. we need a tool to cut the paper, it is then that we will think of other things like blades, punchers, or a whole new concept to cut paper.
So the secret is that you have to ask the right questions.
“Design thinking” is an attitude that gets you ‘un-stuck’
So why design thinking? Because it gives the designers a new way of tackling problems. Instead of following the normal convergent approach where they make the best choice out of available alternatives, it encourages them to explore new alternatives, new solutions, new ideas that have not existed before.
When we are given a task to design something we should disrupt the problem and find out what the real goal is by asking ‘Why’ till we reach the ultimate goal. This is called root cause analysis. Similarly, there are various tools, methods, and mindsets designers must use to give better solutions. Stanford and IDEO have done an extensive study on these methods and tools to be followed for design thinking.