Communicating In Design


yuj: Communicating In Design

How to Win Stakeholders with Your “Legacy” Design.


As design consultants, the pivotal moment arrives when they stand before stakeholders, ready to reveal their designs and concepts. Months of meticulous crafting, tackling intricate puzzles, and pushing boundaries culminate in this pivotal presentation. The design’s success hinges on one crucial factor: its ability to communicate its brilliance.

Navigating the Tightrope:

The challenge intensifies due to the project’s nature. It’s a well-established entity, a “legacy” product, brimming with history and loyal users. Introducing change demands a delicate balancing act. Innovation whispers with necessity, yet each step must tread lightly, respecting existing frameworks and avoiding user alienation.

The Balancing Act:

Their approach becomes a symphony of excitement and respect. They must ignite the passion for the future while acknowledging the intricate tapestry of the present. By mastering this tightrope, they hope to earn the trust of stakeholders and witness their vision blossom into reality.

The Power of Storytelling:

The most powerful tool for captivating minds is not technical jargon or flashy interfaces, but storytelling. They begin with the user, their hopes, fears, and journeys. They paint a vivid picture of their pain points, frustrations, and unmet needs. This shared empathy sets the stage for their solution.

Unveiling the Solution:

Their design emerges, as a beacon of hope, meticulously engineered to illuminate the user’s path. They detail its elegance, its seamless integration, and its ability to bridge the gap between current needs and future potential. With open ears and a steady hand, they navigate feedback, shaping the solution into a masterpiece.

Responding to Challenges:

Even the most brilliant conceptions encounter roadblocks. If, within the design team, concerns arise, they embrace transparency and re-alignment. They reset expectations, fostering a safe space for open communication. By building trust and a positive outlook, they empower the team to bounce back and deliver their best work.


Communicating design is not merely presenting solutions; it’s an art of weaving narrative, addressing concerns, and forging collaboration. By mastering this art, they transform innovative ideas into realities that captivate minds and change the world, one “legacy” design at a time. In our UX design studio, this process is not just a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey of refinement, iteration, and evolution, ensuring that each design resonates deeply with users and stakeholders alike.

Article By: Balakrishnan Sundaram



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